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A credit building credit card is designed for people with little or poor credit history. Whether you're new to credit or looking to rebuild your score, these cards can help demonstrate responsible borrowing.
By using the card regularly and making full, on-time payments, you show lenders you can manage credit effectively. Over time, this can improve your credit score and increase your chances of being approved for better financial products in the future.
These cards often have higher interest rates and lower credit limits, so it’s important to use them carefully and avoid carrying a balance.
Credit builder credit cards work by giving you the chance to show a credit card company that you can repay your debts in full and on time. Doing this improves your credit score.
Credit card companies charge higher interest rates on credit builder cards. They also offer lower credit limits. This is because lenders think there is a risk you won’t repay them.
Over time, as you spend and then repay what you owe on the card, your credit score should improve.
In turn, this should mean that banks and lenders will be more willing to offer cheaper credit products.
Credit builder credit cards can offer the best option for people who need to improve their credit history. People with a poor credit history may be locked out of the best deals from regular credit cards and loans.
Improving your credit score can make these deals available in the future. You may need to improve your credit score for a few reasons.
Problems with debt: You may have previously taken out lots of loans or credit cards and found it hard to pay them back on time. Missed repayments can damage your credit score.
Bankruptcy: If you were in so much debt you were unable to pay it back and went bankrupt, this will harm your credit score. Banks and credit card companies will be hesitant to lend to you.
Unpaid bills: Unpaid bills, for example for mobile phone contracts, can show up as debts on your credit record.
You have a county court judgement (CCJ): You may get a county court judgement or high court judgement against your name if someone takes court action against you saying you owe them money, and you do not respond. If you get a judgement, this means that the court has decided that you owe the money.
You don’t vote: Being on the electoral register allows you to vote but also looks good on your credit file. If you aren’t listed, or haven’t updated the register with your current details, it can harm the credit score banks and credit card companies use to decide if they will lend to you.
No credit history: If you have never borrowed any money you might not have any credit history. Banks and credit card companies are wary of lending to people without a credit history. It’s hard for them to tell if you will pay them back.
If you can’t pay back the full amount on your credit card every month, at least be sure to pay the minimum on time.
Use credit card comparison websites to get the best credit builder credit card offers for you.
Credit building credit cards charge higher interest rates - the annual percentage rate or APR you'll see quoted in the summary box on the card application - than standard credit cards.
So credit building credit cards will never be the cheapest cards on the market. But it's worth shopping around to find the lowest APR offers for you.
Don’t apply for lots of credit builder credit cards at one time. Every application goes on your credit history and can harm your credit rating.
Credit builder cards often don’t offer a lot of features or add-ons. So when comparing credit builder cards, the three things you want to focus on are:
Interest rate
Minimum credit limit
Maximum credit limit
While credit builder cards charge much higher interest rates, if you pay off your balance in full each month, you won’t be charged any interest. This can be easier to do because credit builder cards have much lower credit limits. typically ranging from £50 to £1,500.
It’s important to keep up with repayments, as even missing a single payment can damage your credit score further, which defeats the purpose of getting a credit builder card in the first place.
See which credit cards you're eligible for in just a few clicks
A credit card can play an important role in your finances, but it's important to use it wisely.
The first step to using a credit card responsibly is to always pay the bill on time. Late payments can hurt your credit score, so remember to set up monthly payments to cover the balance or at least the minimum payment. If you don't do this, you could end earn paying a lot of money in interest or incurring fees.
If you can, try and pay more than the minimum payment on the credit card. This will mean you pay off the balance quicker and hopefully avoid having to pay more interest over time. That's why it's always a good idea to pay off the full balance every month.
To stay on top of your finances, always review your credit card statements so you can understand your outgoings or flag any errors. With a clear picture of your spending, you can then budget effectively each month and this will help you to use the credit card responsibly.
It's important to apply for the right credit card for your credit rating. If you apply for a credit card that's not suited to your financial situation, the lender might reject your application.
Too many applications for credit in a short space of time can make you look desperate for cash and affect your chances of getting accepted in the future.
You can check how likely you are to get a card before you apply using our eligibility checker.
The eligibility checker works by running a soft credit check. This means you can check your eligibility without impacting your credit rating.
Credit scores tend to change fairly slowly over time, and if you have very bad credit, it can be years before your file is in good shape. However there are a few quick wins that will improve your score, from always paying your bills on time and not applying for more credit.
Your card provider decides your credit limit after looking at your finances, but cards for bad credit usually offer lower limits - typically between £50 and £1,500.
Put simply, no.
Every time you apply for credit in the UK, the company you apply with is required to run a credit check. If it didn't, people could apply for a dozen cards at once and potentially get all of them - giving them a massive and, in lenders' views, inappropriate amount of credit available to them.
But while you can't apply for a card without a credit check being carried out, you can find out how likely you are to get one before applying. Eligibility checkers, like our card finder tool above, use something called a "soft search" to check out your credit score.
This isn't visible to other lenders and means you can check to see if your credit score is good enough for each card before you apply.
Yes, if you misuse the card.
If you go over your credit limit, miss repayments, build up too much debt or default on the card, this would hurt your score.
Provided you make payments on time, however, and stick to your credit limit, your credit score should improve.
There are a fair few alternatives to credit building credit cards - each with their own advantages and disadvantages.
If you need money, then bad credit loans, secured loans, guarantor loans, credit union loans or budgeting loans might all work for you.
If you're simply trying to build up your credit score before applying for something like a mortgage or car loan, then services like Loqbox - which let you build your credit score while saving money - might be an option too.
When we say a credit card is ‘most popular’ or refer to its ‘popularity’ on Uswitch, we’re ranking cards based on how many times they’ve been clicked on in the last 30 days.
The more clicks a card receives, the higher it appears in our rankings. This means the cards at the top of the list are the ones most visitors to are interested in.
We compare over 100 credit cards from all of the major banks and credit card providers.
However, we do not compare all the credit cards that are available in the UK.
This is because some credit card providers have offers that are only available exclusively through their own website or branch, or through other comparison websites - in the same way some credit cards are exclusively available through Uswitch.
There are also many credit cards that are only available to people in member organisations and clubs.
Our best deals on a range of credit card categories by use:
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