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Will you benefit from cheaper comprehensive car insurance?

If you answer yes to all these questions it could be...

Do you have a substantial no claims discount?

Many years with no accidents or convictions can help bring down the cost of comprehensive car insurance.

Do you keep your car off the road?

If you keep your car on you driveway or, better still, in a garage, you reduce the risk of theft or damage. Insurers will love to quote you.

Do you drive a standard, sensible car?

Cars are grouped for insurance with the simple and easy-to-fix cars cheapest to insure. And insurers don't like modifications.

Does your car have an immobiliser?

Thatcham-approved security devices, such as alarms and immobilisers, can help bring down insurance premiums.

Man and woman in a car

Advanced driving and intensive driving courses

What is an advanced driving course? Advanced driving courses help people improve their road safety. Drivers who take an advanced driving course are taught to be more observant and better at anticipating changes.

Read our full guide.

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Find in-depth information on everything you need to know about comparing comprehensive car insurance and switching your cover.
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20 tips to get cheaper car insurance - Uswitch

1. Choose your car carefully The car you drive is one of the key factors insurers focus on when setting premiums. A large, powerful model will cost more to insure than a basic, inexpensive runaround.

Read our full guide.

Comprehensive car insurance FAQs

What does fully comprehensive cover include?

Comprehensive car insurance is the only type of policy that will pay out for the repair or replacement of your vehicle in the case of an accident that was your fault.

You can also make a claim if your car is damaged, but you don’t know who is at fault, for example when your car is in a public car park or when parked out on the street.

Third party only (TPO) insurance is the minimum legal requirement in the UK. It will cover damage to other vehicles, property or people (the third party) if you cause an accident, but you will have to cover the cost of repairs to your own vehicle

Third party, fire and theft (TPFT) cover is similar to third party only (TPO), but the insurer will pay out if your car is damaged in a fire, stolen or broken into.

Should I take out fully comprehensive car insurance?

Many people choose comprehensive cover to protect their investment, as repairing or replacing their vehicle could put them out of pocket. You might want to consider fully comprehensive cover if:

  • you have a new car
  • you have a vintage or classic car worth more than £15,000
  • you need to be able to drive other people’s cars, as some comprehensive polices allow you to driver other cars. Usually you’ll only have third party cover, which means you have no cover if you damage the car you’re driving
  • you want the security of knowing you will not be left without a car following a claim

Are all fully comprehensive car insurance policies the same?

Even among comprehensive policies, no two insurance policies are equal. Some insurers offer additional extras as part of comprehensive policies, while other extra benefits will be subject to a charge. 

When taking out a fully comprehensive policy you will need to compare car insurance features.

Extras might include cover for:

  • car stereo, speakers or a sat-nav
  • personal belongings that are in the car
  • vehicle recovery or accident transport
  • windscreen damage and loss or theft of keys

Will I get a courtesy car with fully comprehensive car insurance?

A courtesy car means you have something to drive while your car is being repaired, but you might only get it if you use an approved repairer. Comprehensive policies vary on when they will supply courtesy cars, the type of car and for how long. 

Check how long you can keep the car – some insurers limit this cover to up to 21 days. If you have a large car with many seats, you may choose a policy that will provide a similar-sized car if yours is being repaired.

Do I have to use a specific repairer with fully comprehensive car insurance?

You might find that your cover is affected if you don’t use an approved repairer. For example, some insurers limit the windscreen cover if you don’t use the approved repairer.

Can I add named drivers to comprehensive insurance?

You may be able to add extra drivers to your policy without an extra charge. A named driver is an additional person who is able to drive the car under the same policy. The cost will depend on the age and experience of the driver.

How much does comprehensive cover cost?

The price of comprehensive insurance is based on many factors including the type of car you drive, your driving experience, no claims bonus, the job you do, how much you drive and when, and your history of claims and convictions. There is also a great deal of difference depending where you live.

Consumer Intelligence recorded the average UK insurance premium in December 2020 as £814. It reported: “London (£1,449) remains the costliest place for car insurance, with Scotland (£513) the cheapest UK region.”

Is comprehensive cover more expensive than third party insurance?

Often comprehensive insurance is cheaper than either third party on (TPO) or third party, fire and theft (TPFT). 

Third party insurance was historically the cheapest type of cover to purchase, but this led to many higher risk drivers taking out third party insurance to keep their costs down. 

As higher risk drivers make a disproportionately high number of claims on their policies, third party premiums have increased — meaning comprehensive insurance can be the cheaper option, especially for drivers deemed to be a high risk.

Why should I choose comprehensive car insurance?

Even if a comprehensive policy costs you more in premiums, it could provide better value in the long run. 

  • Paying for repairs: if you opt for a lower level of cover and are involved in an accident, you could have to pay for any repairs to your own car yourself, or even pay to replace it if it’s irreparably damaged. 
  • No fault cover: with comprehensive cover you can claim for damage to your car even if you’re involved in an accident that was nobody's fault, and your insurer will pay you the market value for your car if it’s written off or stolen and not recovered.

How can I get cheaper comprehensive car insurance?

  1. Add a more experienced named driver: If you are not an experienced driver you can cut car insurance costs by adding a named driver who is older and more experienced to the policy. But don’t pretend they are the name driver if you are. That is called fronting and is a crime.
  2. Garage your car: Keeping a car on the road increases the risk of it being stolen, vandalised or accidentally damaged. Bring it onto your driveway if you have one, or better still, clear out that garage you use for storage and put your car away each night. Insurers often discount for garaged cars.
  3. Change the type of car you drive: Another factor is the type of car you drive, with the car’s speed, security features, and value all playing a big part – read our guide to the cheapest cars to insure to find out which cars attract the cheapest insurance premiums.
  4. Increase your voluntary excess: Opting for a bigger voluntary excess may result in a cheaper monthly premium. But make sure you can afford any voluntary excess if you need to claim. This excess is in addition to the compulsory excess set by your insurer. This is what you will have to pay if you ever have to claim. However, you can also insure your excess, so that if your claim exceeded your excess it too would be paid. 
  5. Pay upfront: Pay for your insurance in one go if you can. Spreading the cost of your car insurance over 12 payments, monthly, may seem cheaper but remember you will be paying interest on top of the amount you pay towards your car insurance premium.    
  6. Drive less: Limiting your miles makes you less of an insurance risk. Simply because you are reducing your risk of having an accident. When you take out your car insurance policy the insurer always asks for an estimate of your maximum annual mileage. You need to try and you’re your mileage low, although you need to be realistic as to how much you will drive. 
  7. Install extra security: Having an alarm or immobiliser is considered a theft deterrent and by deterring car thieves you can reduce your car insurance. Not all insurers will offer this, so check first.
  8. Do an advanced driving course: Some insurers will offer a discount for drivers who have completed an advanced driving course. There are several recognised providers such as the Institute of Advanced Motorists and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents. Driving courses are not just for new drivers – you’ll be surprised how much you will learn.
  9. Shop around: Aim for a month before your car insurance renewal comes up could also save you money. It may be your current car insurance is the cheapest available but because pricing changes it’s always best to stay vigilant.
  10. Consider a multi car insurance policy: If your driveway is heaving with cars it may make more sense to try and include all those cars and yours on one policy. Some insurers allow you to take out a single multicar policy including for children at university. Check to see if you can reduce your insurance costs with a multi-car insurance policy.
  11. Consider black box car insurance: Some insurers offer a telematics policy that either means a black box is installed in your car or you download a special app to your phone. It reports to the insurer when you drive and how you drive, revealing if you speed, if you accelerate and brake sharply, and how smoothly you take corners. Black box insurers reward good driving.
  12. Don’t own a car: This might sound like a drastic alternative but if you don’t always need access to a car, maybe you can borrow a friend’s or family member’s car. Many insurers offer short term and temporary car insurance which, in some cases can be taken out for just a day. Compare quotes for short-term or temporary car insurance.

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