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Compare car insurance quotes for over 60s

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How much is over 60s car insurance?

Older drivers generally pay less for car insurance than young drivers. Insurance companies use statistics from across the whole population to set prices. These statistics show that young motorists are more likely to take risks and be involved in accidents, so they end up paying more for cover. Older drivers, especially those aged over 60, are seen as being more experienced and less likely to take unnecessary risks. This leads to lower premiums.

There are other reasons why the over 60s pay less for cover. They are more likely to be retired, which means they drive their cars less often in busy rush-hour traffic. And they have had longer to build up their no-claims bonus.

Age of driverAverage car insurance cost*
40-49 years£803
50-59 years£630
60-69 years£520
70+ years£532

*Q4 2024 prices.

Tips to save money on car insurance for over 60s

Although car insurance for seniors tends to be cheaper than for other age groups, there are still a number of steps you can take to save money on your premiums.

  • Get your job title right

    If you’ve stopped working, make sure you give your job description as ‘retired’ and not ‘unemployed’. Insurers tend to associate unemployed people with greater levels of risk, and this means higher premiums.

  • Protect your no-claims bonus (NCB)

    By paying extra to protect your NCB, your future insurance costs won’t be affected if you have to make a claim. This can be especially important for older drivers who have built up a substantial NCB over many years.

  • Give an accurate mileage figure

    Insurance costs are based on the distance driven each year, among other factors. If you’re retired and no longer commute to work, make sure your annual mileage figure on your application is accurate to ensure you get the right price.

  • Park securely

    Leaving your vehicle in a secure location such as a driveway or garage every night should lead to lower premiums.

  • Increase your voluntary excess

    If you agree to shoulder more of the cost of any claim, you can cut the price of cover.

  • Install security devices in your car

    Making your vehicle harder to steal should lead to lower costs.

  • Compare quotes with us

    Using to shop around for the best car insurance quote is a great way to ensure you’re paying no more than you have to.

Our expert says

"If you're over 60 and looking to save on your car insurance, check your mileage—if you’re driving less these days, you could save on your premium. Adding extra safety features to your car might help too."

Ben Gallizzi author headshotBen Gallizzi, Senior Content Editor

Will my car insurance go down when I retire?

Car insurance for pensioners tends to be cheaper for several reasons. If you’ve retired, you’ll no longer be using your car for commuting to work every day. This means less driving in busy traffic, when the risk of accidents is thought to be higher. And if you’re not travelling to work every day, your total mileage will go down. This also usually leads to lower insurance costs.

If your job required you to do additional driving over and above the daily commute, you are likely to see an even bigger fall in insurance costs after you retire.

However, you might see premiums rise a bit later in life, for example as you approach or enter your 70s. This is because insurers think older drivers are more likely to be affected by issues such as failing eyesight or slower reaction times.

What's the best car insurance company for the over 60s?

Some insurers focus on car insurance for the over 60s and senior car insurance in general. These specialist policies may offer certain extras as standard, and could include:

  • A promise that your premiums will not increase for two or three years
  • No age limit
  • A courtesy car in the event your own car can’t be driven following an accident
  • Extra cover for taking your car to Europe.

A specialist insurer may help you get a better price for the right level of cover, but that’s not guaranteed. Your best bet is to compare policies and costs from as wide a range of providers as possible when you come to renew your cover.


Should I tell my insurer that I'm retired?

It’s normally a condition of your car insurance policy that you tell your insurer when important personal details change, for example if you move house. You should also let your provider know about a change in your employment status, such as retiring. Do this as soon as possible rather than just waiting for your next renewal.

The good news is that, if you retire, you are likely to be eligible for lower premiums. This means you could get a discount on your current policy.

When you renew your policy, remember to give your occupation as ‘retired’. If you put ‘unemployed’, this could cause your premiums to rise.

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Ben Gallizzi author headshot
Written by Ben Gallizzi, Senior Content Editor
Updated on 3 February 2025