POP Telecom broadband deals
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Enter your postcode to start comparing POP Telecom deals available to you:
Why choose Pop Telecom?
Enjoy flexibility: Find basic packages with flexible contract lengths.
Browse without limits: Stream and game as much as you like with unlimited downloads.
Support if you need it: UK-based customer services and technical support.
* Average speeds are based on the download speed available to at least 50% of customers with this product during peak time (8 to 10pm). Your actual speeds depend on factors like your connection type, area, time of day and distance from the telephone exchange.
Deals are subject to local availability and may not be available to existing customers. You can confirm availability and estimated speeds for your property on the provider’s website - this may be different to what we show.
§ Order before 8pm for next working day delivery. To find out more about delivery times, please check the provider site for more details.
Some providers may increase monthly costs each year during your contract, in line with the retail or consumer price index. Check their terms before signing up.
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Pop Telecom has been trading for over 20 years and leases a broadband network that covers 94% of the population.
Based on EE and Vodafone's networks, Pop Telecom's mobile coverage extends to 98% of the population.
It's often classed as a cheap internet provider, due to the good value deals it offers for comparably fast broadband speeds.
Pop Telecom operates a UK-based customer service line, as well as an online chat feature.
Opening hours for Pop Telecom's customer services department are 9am until 6pm on Mondays through Fridays.
All Pop Telecom home broadband customers get a free wireless router when they sign up.
Pop Telecom’s big ‘sell’ is its price. Under the terms of its offer, customers can get broadband for £1 per month if they pay their line rental upfront.
Customers can also opt to pay on a monthly basis, but if they do so are charged in line with standard pricing for broadband.
Pop Privilege Cards are free to customers and entitle them to discounts at select brands and retailers.