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Fibre Broadband Deals: Compare in March 2025 - Uswitch

Fibre broadband deals

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Uswitch Tips

Can I get fibre broadband?

Yes, you can most probably get fibre broadband. Part-fibre is available to almost all UK homes, and full fibre is now available to two-thirds of properties.

If you don’t have full fibre just yet, you should see it very soon. Its coverage is rapidly growing across the country.

Learn more about the different types of broadband available in the UK.

Is full fibre worth it?

Full fibre is often worth choosing if it’s available. It provides a much faster, more reliable connection, and it will future-proof your home broadband for years to come.

Plus, many full fibre deals cost about the same as what you’re likely already paying on your current deal. So you could enjoy a great upgrade for a small difference in price.

Read more about full fibre broadband.

10 of 188 results 
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Here’s just a small number of the fibre broadband offers available on our site. Enter your postcode to compare the full range of deals, providers and speeds available to your home.
10 of 188 results 
Fibre broadband
Sorted by: Uswitch rated
Uswitch rated takes into account deals that are proving to be popular with our customers, that are competitive in the market and have a smooth buying process.
  • Vodafone
    Vodafone Full Fibre 910
    average UK speed*
    a month
    No price rise
    until April 2026
    then price rises each April in contract by £3
    no setup cost
    • £30 voucher
    • 3 month Amazon Prime subscription included
    • Most Popular Broadband Provider of the Year
    More info
  • Virgin Media
    Virgin Media M125 Ultrafast Fibre broadband only
    average UK speed*
    a month
    No price rise
    until April 2026
    then price rises each April in contract by £3.50
    no setup cost
    • £55 bill credit
    More info
  • Virgin Media
    Virgin Media M125 Ultrafast Fibre broadband only
    average UK speed*
    a month
    No price rise
    until April 2026
    then price rises each April in contract by £3.50
    no setup cost
    • £55 bill credit
    More info
  • Virgin Media
    Virgin Media Gig1 Fibre broadband only
    average UK speed*
    a month
    No price rise
    until April 2026
    then price rises each April in contract by £3.50
    no setup cost
    • £50 bill credit
    More info
  • Exclusive
    BT Fibre 2 Broadband
    average UK speed*
    a month
    No price rise
    until March 2026
    then price rises each March in contract by £3
    no setup cost
    • £60 BT reward card
    More info
  • Vodafone
    Vodafone Full Fibre 150
    average UK speed*
    a month
    No price rise
    until April 2026
    then price rises each April in contract by £3
    no setup cost
    • £65 voucher
    • 3 month Amazon Prime subscription included
    • Most Popular Broadband Provider of the Year
    More info
  • Virgin Media
    Virgin Media M250 Ultrafast Fibre broadband only
    average UK speed*
    a month
    No price rise
    until April 2026
    then price rises each April in contract by £3.50
    no setup cost
    • £70 bill credit
    More info
  • Virgin Media
    Virgin Media M500 Ultrafast Fibre broadband only
    average UK speed*
    a month
    No price rise
    until April 2026
    then price rises each April in contract by £3.50
    no setup cost
    • £110 bill credit
    More info
  • Vodafone
    Vodafone Fibre 2
    average UK speed*
    a month
    No price rise
    until April 2026
    then price rises each April in contract by £3
    no setup cost
    • £90 voucher
    • 3 month Amazon Prime subscription included
    • Most Popular Broadband Provider of the Year
    More info
  • Vodafone
    Vodafone Full Fibre 500
    average UK speed*
    a month
    No price rise
    until April 2026
    then price rises each April in contract by £3
    no setup cost
    • £45 voucher
    • 3 month Amazon Prime subscription included
    • Most Popular Broadband Provider of the Year
    More info
About these results

* Average speeds are based on the download speed available to at least 50% of customers with this product during peak time (8 to 10pm). Your actual speeds depend on factors like your connection type, area, time of day and distance from the telephone exchange.

Deals are subject to local availability and may not be available to existing customers. You can confirm availability and estimated speeds for your property on the provider’s website - this may be different to what we show.

§ Order before 8pm for next working day delivery. To find out more about delivery times, please check the provider site for more details.

Some providers may increase monthly costs each year during your contract, in line with the retail or consumer price index. Check their terms before signing up.

We’ve highlighted some recent Uswitch Award winners on our table.

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Uswitch services are provided at no cost to you, but we may receive a commission from the companies we refer you to. This helps to keep our site free for you to use. Sometimes we have commercial agreements with providers to highlight deals that we think are worth your consideration. These deals are labelled 'sponsored'.

Our selected fibre deal is Vodafone's Full Fibre 150 broadband package. This is a full fibre broadband connection that's available through both Openreach's fibre-to-the-premises network and the CityFibre broadband network, which means it's available to roughly two-thirds of UK homes.

For 150Mbps average speeds, it is priced extremely well, considering there are other deals on offer at half of this speed for about the same price, sometimes higher. Vodafone is a very well-established provider that has been highly regarded for great broadband performance, so it's a trustworthy option if you're looking for a new broadband deal.

This deal isn't as widely available as some of Vodafone's part-fibre broadband deals, which have 98% coverage across the UK. This is because it requires a fibre-optic cable to be installed in the home, as opposed to the standard copper phone line that most households are connected to.

Like most other broadband providers, those who sign up for a new Vodafone broadband deal will see their monthly cost go up by £3 each April. That means you should expect two mid-contract price increases during the 24-month contract.

  • Vodafone
    Vodafone Full Fibre 150
    average UK speed*
    a month
    No price rise
    until April 2026
    then price rises each April in contract by £3
    no setup cost
    • £65 voucher
    • 3 month Amazon Prime subscription included
    • Most Popular Broadband Provider of the Year
    More info
  • What is fibre broadband?

    Fibre broadband is the most common and popular type of broadband connection in the UK, offering faster speeds and more reliability than older copper telephone lines.

    It uses fibre-optic cables to connect your home. These cables carry data via pulses of light, which means they can transmit much more data in less time than copper wires, which means they're much faster and more reliable for a broadband connection than older networks.

    From internet speed to availability in your area to monthly prices and enticing add-ons, here's everything you need to know before you compare fibre-optic broadband deals.

    Can I get fibre broadband in my area?

    Fibre-optic broadband availability varies across the country, depending on which type of fibre broadband you're after. But almost everyone can get at least some form of it, and it will likely be fast enough for your needs.

    There are two main types of fibre broadband connections, and the kind that you can get determines the speeds you can expect.

    Full fibre broadband

    Full fibre connects fibre-optic cables all the way to your home, offering some of the fastest broadband speeds available.

    On full fibre, you can still get standard speeds of 50-100Mbps for a reasonable price. But you could also opt for speeds of 1Gbps (1000Mbps) and beyond. Most won't need for this speed right now, but it shows that full fibre will help to future-proof your home for decades to come.

    It's available to about 69% of UK homes at the moment, and its coverage is still inconsistent in each area of the UK.

    In fact, Glasgow’s fastest street for broadband (which has full fibre) is a huge 866 times speedier than its slowest street¹. And in Brighton, its slowest street is only 1.2 miles away from its fastest full fibre street².

    For most households, this divide won’t be felt for too much longer. Full fibre is expanding very quickly all over the country, including in most rural areas. So if it's not available to your home just yet, it likely will be in the next year or so.

    Part-fibre broadband

    The most widely-available type of fibre broadband is part-fibre, which is also known as fibre-to-the-cabinet, or 'superfast' fibre.

    It relies on fibre-optic cables from your provider's broadband exchange to the local cabinets on your street. But then the rest of the connection to your home uses the same copper wires as a standard ADSL connection.

    This makes it several times faster than a purely copper connection, offering speeds between 30-70Mbps.

    That's plenty of speed for most households these days, but it's still a lot slower than full fibre broadband. And as the years go on and our demand for internet increases, these speeds may start to feel quite sluggish too.

    Superfast part-fibre is available to over 98% of UK premises, so there's a very good chance it'll be available to your home.

    Broadband postcode checker

    See what internet speeds are available and compare prices for any postcode in the UK.

    What’s the difference between superfast, ultrafast and gigabit speeds?

    Over the years, broadband speeds have been described by some slightly confusing terms. How much faster is ‘ultrafast’ than ‘superfast’? And why is ‘superfast’ used to describe some of the slowest speeds?

    We'll explain the difference.

    Superfast broadband

    Despite what the name suggests, ‘superfast’ technically means a standard broadband speed that returns between 30-70Mbps (megabits per second).

    This speed is mainly attached to part-fibre broadband packages. When these connections started to roll out in the early 2010s, they were labelled ‘superfast’ because, at the time, they were the fastest connections a typical household could get. They offered a big speed boost to full-copper (ADSL) broadband, which could only return average speeds of about 10Mbps.

    But with ultrafast broadband options now available to over three-quarters of the UK, these speeds are now being dwarfed by what newer types of broadband can offer.

    Ultrafast broadband

    ‘Ultrafast’ means a broadband speed between 100 and 900Mbps. Ofcom states that it starts from 300Mbps, but we use 100Mbps as the marker because it’s easier to show which types of broadband can achieve these speeds.

    Around the same time as the superfast broadband rollout, Virgin Media became the first provider to offer an ultrafast service of 100Mbps and above—thanks to its faster ‘coaxial’ cable, which needed to be installed at each customer’s property. 

    But in recent years, other providers started to compete with Virgin’s speeds, offering full fibre connections that connect fibre-optic cables into UK residents’ homes and speeds even beyond that we call 'ultrafast'.

    5G broadband also started to roll out at this time, providing ultrafast speeds up to 300Mbps for specific urban areas of the UK.

    Gigabit broadband

    'Gigabit’ often refers to speeds of above 900Mbps, but it officially relates to 1Gbps (gigabits per second). Once a speed reading hits 1000Mbps, it changes from megabits to gigabits, just like how a 1000MB file size is the same as 1GB.

    Learn more about the difference with our bits and bytes explained guide.

    Gigabit is the fastest broadband speed range that most homes can currently get. 83% of UK homes can achieve these broadband speeds, which means the country will likely far exceed the 85% target by the end of 2025, which was set out a few years ago.

    How much does fibre broadband cost?

    Fibre broadband prices vary widely, depending on which provider you sign up for and the internet speed you want. Currently, there are widely available fibre deals for £20-21 per month, and some smaller providers charge as low as £17 per month, even for some ultrafast full fibre deals.

    Nowadays, fibre packages speeds are often about the same price as older 10Mbps standard copper broadband. So even if you don’t use the internet very much, choosing a slightly faster package could work out better.

    The fastest fibre speeds (900Mbps and above) will usually be the most expensive, with £40-50 monthly prices often attached to these packages. But these speeds are so fast they aren’t essential for any particular household at the moment.

    Our broadband expert says

    “Switching to a faster package used to involve a jump in bills, but nowadays you can often upgrade your package at the end of your deal without paying more. So there’s never been a better time to review your options.

    “Those unhappy with their broadband performance should take an internet speed test to make sure they are getting the minimum speed guaranteed by their current provider, and also look online to see what they could get by switching to another provider.”

    Ernest Doku author headshotErnest Doku, Broadband and mobiles expert

    Take a broadband speed test

    Run a broadband speed test to find out what speed you're currently getting, and what else could be available to you.

    Cheap fibre deals and broadband social tariffs

    We display lots of low-cost fibre deals on our cheap broadband page. So, if you’re looking to get impressive speeds for a great price, you could find the right deal for you there.

    Also, if you’re currently receiving Universal Credit or other government financial support, you could qualify for an even cheaper broadband social tariff. 

    Many providers offer fibre broadband for much lower prices than you’ll find on comparison sites, so if you think you’d qualify, check your eligibility for those first.

    Value for money: price vs internet speed

    A great way to judge a fibre broadband provider’s value for money is by comparing the internet speeds it offers with the monthly price it charges.

    If you look at the ‘megabits’ of internet speed per £1 a provider charges each month, then you can see which providers have the fastest speeds for the cheapest price.

    Our research found that some broadband providers with the best value for money were small full fibre providers, also known as ‘altnets’. They’re not as widely available as the most well-known providers, but they often offer impressive ultrafast speeds for surprisingly low monthly prices.

    So, if you’d like to know what makes their deals so much better value, take a look at our value-for-money guide.

    Compare more broadband deals on Uswitch

    All our broadband dealsBroadband only dealsUltrafast broadbandMobile broadband dealsBroadband speed testTV and broadband deals

    Which are the best fibre broadband providers in the UK?

    Almost all internet providers in the UK offer fibre broadband, and no one option is necessarily the best for everyone. The best fibre broadband for you depends on what you need, whether it's a cheaper part-fibre deal or an ultrafast broadband connection.

    Here are some broadband providers you can compare part-fibre and full fibre deals with today.

    It's a good idea to learn about what each broadband provider can offer you, including how well they are regarded for different parts of a broadband service.

    Some may have excellent customer service, but their speeds may be slower than you would like. Others may offer big TV bundles, but their prices might be a lot higher as a result. So, it's important to read provider reviews to make sure you choose one that offers more of what you need.

    Uswitch broadband provider reviews

    Read our expert reviews of all of the UK's biggest broadband providers.

    You could also check out the 2025 Uswitch Telecoms Awards winners, where we’ve highlighted the broadband providers that have recently excelled in areas like customer service, value for money and reliability.

    Virgin Media cable broadband

    Virgin Media's cable broadband is slightly different from other fibre providers. While it also uses fibre-optic cables from its exchange to each local street cabinet, it then uses its own coaxial cables to finish the journey to your home.

    This means Virgin Media can also deliver very fast broadband speeds ranging from 100Mbps to 1Gbps. Because it isn't part of the main Openreach network, Virgin has its own broadband infrastructure. This is why its Virgin Media coverage is slightly more limited, at just under two-thirds of UK premises.

    Altnets: small full fibre providers

    Some broadband providers only supply full fibre connections, so their average speeds are much faster. Most of these providers, also called altnets, are only available to a limited number of places in the UK for now.

    But as altnets’ coverage continues to grow to more areas, they’re starting to present a great alternative to the more prominent companies. Especially when it comes to price and reliability.

    Here’s what our Uswitch telecoms expert, Nick Baker, said about broadband altnet Hyperoptic’s service:

    “If Hyperoptic is available in your home, it is absolutely a provider you should consider.

    "Prices are both reasonable and fixed throughout your contract. And the reliability of its internet connection is some of the best you’ll find from a broadband provider.

    "And, while the provider doesn’t offer much in terms of other services or bundled packages, the ultrafast speeds offered by its full fibre network allow for unlimited streaming on multiple devices at once."

    - Nick Baker, from his Hyperoptic broadband review

    How does fibre internet work?

    Fibre broadband's speed advantage comes from the way it delivers data and the type of cable it uses to do so.

    Standard copper broadband uses the same wires as your landline telephone, but fibre-optic broadband cables, which are made of plastic and glass, transmit data using pulsing beams of light instead.

    This lets it transmit a lot more data in any given period than copper cables can, and unlike copper, fibre signals don't weaken over time, so the connection is more consistent.

    This is what makes it much faster and more reliable than copper cables. The more data that can pass through at any given time, the ‘faster’ the connection. And the less prone it is to outages or slowdowns, the more consistent that connection is.

    To learn more about how full fibre broadband works in particular, take a look at our detailed full fibre guide.

    How to find the best fibre broadband deals

    To find the best fibre broadband deal, you need to look for the best offer for you and your household. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to broadband because certain features and services would be more suited to you than others.

    Decide what internet speed you need

    The first thing to remember is which broadband speed is right for you. For example, the more people regularly use broadband in your household, the faster internet speed you will need.

    Thankfully, even part-fibre deals can currently handle most households' internet usage. But if you need a fast internet speed for working from home or gaming, full fibre deals are becoming more available. Plus, even if you don't need full fibre speeds right now, it may soon be necessary to handle all of the devices in your home.

    This all said, regardless of how much internet you use, you’ll have to account for everyone else’s usage, too. As a rough rule of thumb:

    1-2 people per household

    You could likely get away with a cheaper, slower fibre broadband speed below 35Mbps. But if you both often use the internet separately for bandwidth-hungry things like 4K streaming or gaming, you might have to look for something faster.

    3-4 people

    If your entire household only occasionally uses the internet, a speed of 30-70Mbps could be the most cost-effective option.

    But if you or your children are often watching Netflix or YouTube or playing online games, a speed of 50-100Mbps would be best.

    5+ people

    50-100Mbps would be a safe bet if your household casually uses the internet or you have children watching lots of videos. But if most people in the household use the internet a lot, such as high-quality TV streaming and working from home, a speed of 100Mbps or above would be ideal.

    Consider TV and home phone bundles

    Another thing to consider is whether you could benefit from a bundle deal that includes other services like pay-TV, a home phone or a mobile contract. The best fibre broadband deal for you could be one that brings multiple services into a single, cheaper monthly payment under the same provider.

    Broadband and TV deals combine your broadband and TV service into the same contract. This is only possible with providers offering both services, such as Sky, BT, Virgin Media, TalkTalk and EE. But if you use both services regularly, you could save a significant amount each month and avoid paying extra for two separate bills.

    Some providers also let you add a mobile phone contract to your broadband package, saving you money by combining both services into one package. Providers with mobile phone networks, like Vodafone, BT, and EE, will offer these bundles.

    Broadband and TV deals

    Take a look at the latest TV and broadband packages on Uswitch.

    Choose a monthly price you're comfortable with

    The price of a broadband deal is often impacted by its speed, but it can also go up depending on the number of other services it includes and which provider offers them.

    Once you've decided what you want from a broadband package, you should have a rough price range. For example, a simple broadband-only deal of about 60Mbps can often range between £22-£30 per month.

    Some providers may charge towards £30 based on their reputation and the quality of their service. Other providers, often smaller ones, will set a lower monthly fee of around £22 for a slightly simpler service. But both will still offer the same broadband speed.

    Do I need fibre internet?

    Standard broadband speeds should cover you if you're in a small household of one or two people and you only use the internet for small things like scrolling through social media, sending emails or watching the odd YouTube video. 

    However, in most cases, you can now get fibre broadband for the same price or cheaper than standard ADSL, so if that's the case, you should definitely go for a fibre connection. You may find the extra investment worth it for the extra reliability fibre provides.

    And if you want to stream TV shows and movies regularly, play games online, download large files and programs, or if you live in a household with three or more internet users, the speed advantage offered by fibre broadband is invaluable.

    Fibre broadband pros and cons

    Nowadays, certain types of fibre broadband are so accessible that there aren’t really many downsides to it at all. But here are some things to consider about it, especially when it comes to full fibre broadband.

    • Much more consistent and reliable than copper - less prone to outages and slowdowns

    • Part-fibre is very widely available - over 98% of UK homes can access it

    • Lets multiple people stream, game and work from home at the same time

    • Part-fibre still relies on copper to get to your home - it's not as reliable as full fibre

    • Full fibre isn’t widely-available yet - only two-thirds of UK homes can benefit from its speeds

    Why can't I get fibre broadband deals?

    Only about 2% of UK properties are unable to get any form of fibre broadband³. If you live in one of these properties, there are a few reasons why you might not be able to get a fibre connection:

    • 1

      You may live in a remote or hard-to-reach area, which is expensive for providers to install fibre cables

    • 2

      If you live in purpose-built flats, it can be difficult to install fibre cabling near to your flat block

    • 3

      You can get partial fibre, which is slower, but not full fibre

    Not all hope is lost, though. Here are a couple of unlimited broadband alternatives to fibre that could provide similar broadband speeds:

    Mobile broadband

    If you have a mobile internet signal on your phone at home, you might be able to get 4G or 5G mobile broadband.

    4G offers around 24Mbps - just under the slowest fibre connections. But 5G can provide up to 300Mbps speeds (so long as you live in an area that can access it).

    Satellite broadband

    If mobile internet is also difficult to come by at your property, you might be able to get a faster connection with a satellite broadband service.

    Traditionally, these connections have come with very slow internet speeds. But with the nationwide rollout of SpaceX’s Starlink connection, you may even be able to get ultrafast broadband speeds at your home.

    Just be conscious that Starlink is currently very expensive since it’s such a new service.

    Fibre broadband FAQs

    How affordable is fibre broadband?

    Fibre broadband in the UK is quite well priced nowadays, with the cheapest deals often about the same price as standard copper broadband (which is a lot slower and less reliable than anything using fibre).

    Can I get fibre without phone line rental?

    If fibre-optic broadband is delivered to your home via copper cabling, then you will still need a working phone line to deliver it.

    However, if you have access to Virgin Media's cable broadband, full fibre, or suitable mobile broadband, you can get broadband without a landline.

    See our guide on how you can get fibre broadband without a phone line.

    Can I get fibre broadband-only deals?

    It’s very easy to choose a fibre broadband-only deal, despite many part-fibre deals still requiring a phone line to get to your home.

    Just make sure to select a deal that only mentions broadband, and you can skip past all of the add-on options that the provider will offer you when you’re signing up.

    Or, you can compare broadband only deals only by visiting our page and clicking the 'fibre broadband' filter.

    Do I need an engineer to install fibre?

    If you only have a part-fibre connection right now, you'll need an engineer to upgrade that to full fibre.

    Organising this is usually very simple, since providers try to make it as convenient as possible for you. When signing up for a full fibre deal, you can select a date and time of day that works best.

    Then when the day comes, an engineer shouldn't take longer than a couple of hours to install your new connection. They're usually very knowledgeable and used to speaking with customers, so they should be able to answer any questions you have at the time.

    Compare 12 month broadband deals

    Browse our range of broadband deals with 12-month contracts on Uswitch.

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    Max Beckett author headshot
    Written by Max Beckett, Broadband Expert
    Updated on 12 March 2025